Go implementation of some cryptographic primitives (that fit inside the SNARK field) used in iden3.
Prover Server
Prover Server is a REST API wrapper & golang binding for snarkjs
circom tester
Tool for testing circom circuits.
A privacy gadget for creating anonymous proof of membership on Ethereum.
ZK protocols
Client library for generating and verifying Semaphore & RLN ZK proofs.
ZK identities
Library for managing identities for Semaphore and RLN protocols.
ZK Kit
A monorepo of reusable JS libraries for zero-knowledge technologies.
zk dapp bolierplate and tools to develop zk dapps.
Lurk is an in-development programming language for Turing-complete recursive SNARKs.
SHIELD is a development framework for circom developers. SHIELD is a tool to provide libraries, plugins, and testing tools to ensure code quality and security.